Commercial cleaning quotes

When bidding on commercial cleaning jobs, you need to offer more than just a square footage approximation. Work with prospective clients to get them the best value for their money by talking about the job in high detail so you can make a practical estimate.

Don’t be concerned if your estimate is higher than that of your commercial rivalries. In most cases, it won’t be. However, if it is, keep in mind that the customer service you provide upfront encourages potential clients that your business is the best option for their commercial cleaning requirements.Commercial-cleaning-kanklean

Get together with potential clients onsite to discuss the details of the job. Ask for a tour of the area that will require cleaning. Take note of flooring types, the amount of bathrooms, amount of offices and/or specific equipment that needs cleaning. Ask for structure plans or blueprints to establish the building’s square footage.

Discuss with customers the types of commercial cleaning services wanted. Develop a tailored plan to decrease both your and their costs while still providing the level of cleaning expected. For example, ask the client how many times per week he would like the computers cleaned instead of assuming that he wants the computers cleaned every night. Reducing examples like these from five days to two day per week can save the client a significant amount of money.

Decide the quantity of personnel needed to clean the area as well as how many hours it will take to clean the area based on similar jobs done previously. Calculate the hourly pay for all employees assigned to the job and multiply it by the amount of hours needed to clean the space. Also estimate the required equipment, materials and transport expenses.

Cleaning Services MelbourneWrite and put forward a proposal letter to the client. Potential clients may include property management directors, commercial property owners and small business owners. Include in your offer an outline of the job, the commercial cleaning services you plan to provide, a start date and fees for service.

Record the cost for each job task, such as vacuuming, mopping, office cleaning or floor waxing, and how often these tasks will be completed in your proposal letter. This demonstrates what clients get for their money and also allows clients the option to decline specific job tasks or reduce the numbers of days these tasks are performed.

Send formal proposal letters by email or mail.

Follow up with a phone call within two days to ask if there is anything else you can do to help the client with their decision.