Do-It-Yourself Commercial Cleaning Products

Stop spending an arm and a leg at the supermarket purchasing cleaning products you can simply make at home. Look at the following recipes and give them a try.

  • Scrubbing cream cleanser: Say goodbye to the toxic chemicals, fumes, and high price of commercial scrubbing cream cleanser. Make your own scrubbing cleanser  by mixing 1/4 cup baking soda, 1 TBS dish soap, and enough vinegar to moisten it to a paste. Scrub surfaces with a damp sponge and a blob of DIY homemade scrubbing cream products
  • Fabric Softener: Adding a quarter cup of white vinegar to the soak cycle of your wash is an effective, ecologically-sensitive, fragrance-free fabric softener.
  • Wood Furniture Polish: You’ll never have to buy artificially-scented lemon furniture polishing spray again if you make this recipe for lemon wood furniture polish. Mix 2 TBS lemon juice, 10 drops lemon essential oil, and 1/2 cup vegetable oil. Dab a microfiber cloth into the mixture, and polish furniture.
  • Air Freshener: Synthetic air fresheners will be a thing of the past in your house thanks to this recipe that really cuts household odours. Mix baking soda with 10 drops of lavender essential oil, and place in a small Mason jar with a cheese cloth inside the ring instead of the metal cover.
  • Tub and Tile Cleaner:  Fill the handle of a reservoir-handle sponge with half dishwashing soap and half vinegar. Scrub your shower tile down with it after you shower, and then rinse off. You can integrate cleaning the shower into your daily shower routine, no mess and no fuss.
  • All Purpose Cleaner: Soaking citrus peels in vinegar adds the scent and cleaning power of citrus to already powerful vinegar. “1. Fill a one quart mason jar with citrus peels. 2. Cover peels with white vinegar, place lid on jar, shake and allow to sit for 2-3 weeks. 3. Strain the citrus peels out of the vinegar. 4. Mix the vinegar solution and water in a spray bottle. (You can mix it in a 1:1, 1:2 or 1:3 solutions depending on how strong you want your solution).”